
One of the cornerstones of Redemption to the Nations is evangelism. We have shared the message of Jesus year after year through verbal ministry in our community, giving food to those in need, and providing gifts for families during the holidays.

Serve Opportunities

Door to Door Visitation


Saturday at 9:30 AM

Every Saturday, we go door to door in the Highland Park community sharing the gospel to our neighbors and ministering at local group homes.

Outdoor Ministries | H3


Thursday at 5:30 PM

Join H3 ministries as they prepare and serve meals for our outdoor friends and families.

Prison Ministry


Thursday at 7:00 PM

This team goes into local prisons and shares the gospel through services.

Prison Ministry


Friday at 6:00 PM

This team goes into local prisons and shares the gospel through services.

School Partnerships


Every 2 weeks: Mondays,Thursdays at 10:00 AM

Our School Impact Team comes alongside our local Educational Institutions through partnerships.